About Me

Areas of Practice

Family Care

Specializing in the care of all members of your family with an objective awareness of how those relationships coalesce.

Fertility / Pregnancy / Post Partum

Helping to establish a great base health for getting pregnant, care throughout pregnancy and labor. Continued support with post partum and lactation.

Infants & Children

One of my most favorite areas of expertise. Listening and understanding through a child’s perspective by focusing on birth, development and simple language.

Anxiety & Mental Health

Focus on the profound correlation between our mental health and the direct effects it has on the physical body.

Human Design

For those who know their birth place, time and date. Human design helps to connect the energetic essence to the remedy picture. This is how you innately operate in the World.


Helping with positive shifts in consciousness that release our own healing energy throughout our bodies, mind and emotions.